Monday, October 27, 2008

Bed-time Procrastination

So here I am. Sitting in front of the computer. Again.
I constantly look at the little digital clock in the corner of my (and everyone else's) computer screen. It currently reads 10:31, although it did read 10:30 a second ago.
I tell myself 'right, at 10:25, you'll go to bed'...and then a distraction comes along. So then it moves up to 10:40...which im pretty sure will still have me writing this blog.

I started a blog, partly because I was inspired to do so by Lyn and Pchan (them, of course having started one about a week ago), and the fact that I actually already had a Blogspot account that i forgot about...-_-"

What's funny is that I will sit in front of the computer and literally be at a point where I have absolutely NOTHING to I will find something that will fill up all the time. For example: Writing a blog. And even though I HATE msn...i will not uninstall it...because, it allows me to procrastinate from the bedroom even further.

I will now stop typing...and go to bed. Its 10:38PM...and this is probably the most uninteresting blog in the world. Forgive me for that.

Ill write something much more relevant to everyone else tomorrow...or not.

Peace Out
Niche Gibarje
(Nick Goodridge)

p.s. The picture is my bedroom, photo taken earlier on today. Yay.

1 comment:

Chercheur said...

Well Nick,
I must say procrastination is a favourite past-time for me as well!
I have now tidied my room, so it no longer looks worse than yours :P.
I will now go and study........haha, yeah really I am..........honestly.
Catcha later,